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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chaos in the Midst of Chaos

I've let it be too long since my last post, time to get back on track. Life has been busy lately. To add on to the already chaotic daily life, Van's car broke down and we had 2 birthdays to celebrate in the last week. Van's engine blew up on the side of the highway, forcing us to buy another car. We got a Jeep, the engine light came on the minute it was driven off of the lot, of course. After 3 days, that was finally fixed. In the midst of all of that, I had to make sure my school work was finished on time AND had to put something together for Van AND Nova's birthdays. It turned in to an all night cram session, with two dogs apparently starved of attention making countless interruptions...

The next day it was Birthday time! The weather was pretty crappy, and we had to drop the new car off at the dealership, so we had lunch and went to the mall. We went to Moochie and Co to get Nova his own birthday cake, stopped at the store and then home for a relaxed birthday evening. Some pictures to share...

Nova and his cake. He is so photogenic.

Nom nom nom...

Van and Nova, Birthday Boys!!

Happy Birthday babe!

Be back later this week with some fun posts!


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