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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Better Late Than Never

My name is Megan, and it has been 7 months since my last blog post. SORRY! I figured its time to start back up again! So much has happened in those 7 months! We have continued on our quest to be healthier people. Our most recent change has been to start Crossfit. Has anyone ever tried it? It is like one massive reality check. It is so worth it though! After you finish a WOD (Workout of the Day) you feel so proud of yourself for not dying haha. We have made the decision to downsize to a smaller apartment for 9 months while we save more money toward our house purchase. And the MOST important thing? Van and I got engaged!! We went to Seattle, Washington and he proposed at the top of the Space Needle. He did such a good job. 

A little "in heaven" after the proposal picture. 

Van had it all set up that a photographer, Laurel, from Laurel McConnell Photography, would capture this most important moment in our lives. He seemed so nervous on our way there. I thought it was because we were in a new city, in traffic, late for a dinner reservation. Hah! Nope! Its because he was worried about the massive ring box in his back pocket and keeping his little plan a secret from me! Take a look HERE at Laurel's blog for our story and the pictures from the impromptu photo session after!

Off to wedding plan...


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